
Infitite Campus GPA

Infinite Campus GPA Screenshot

Infinite Campus GPA is one of BIT's most successful chrome extensions. This extension enables students to easily calculate their GPA on Infinite Campus, a popular grading system. Peaking at 1369 users, it is widely used by students in school districts across the country. comments interface

Used by the blog, this API is a simple plug and play comments interface that is extremely easy to setup for any blog. Security precautions were taken into place making it a secure and anonymous system.

Album Art

album icon

Shazam-like technology was used to create this song identifier made specifically for displaying album art. This software can be applied in restaurants and home stereo systems to make album identification a glance away!

Spanish Special Characters

spanish special chars extension screenshot

Another chrome extension, Spanish Special Characters has 8,000+ users a week. It is simple and functional, used by world language students around the world.

Trumpet Update

trumpet icon

Trumpet Update periodically checks for changes to the Air Force band openings list, and sends an email notification if the openings are updated. A similar project can be deployed to gather large amounts of information valuable to businesses.


Band bot screenshot

Combining both scheduling and social marketing, band bot tweeted every day about upcoming events on the marching band calendar. BIT can deploy something similar for your business to automatically manage online marketing.


example form

Form Bot automates the completion of online forms, doing away with tedious online tasks. Online automation can leave you to do what you love, instead of the things you don't.

Xkcd Emailer

email icon

Xkcd Emailer is an email list that sends out a daily xkcd comic. A similar email list can be created for marketing your business, and communicating with clients.


npiano keyboard

npiano is a simple piano in the terminal utilizing the PC beeper. The length of the notes can be adjusted to change the sound and feel of the instrument.